johanna mueller

greenley, co

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Johanna Mueller is a printmaker, artist and entrepreneur, born and raised in Denver, CO, now residing in Greeley, CO where she owns and operates Wonderhand Studios, a public printmaking facility. She earned a BFA in printmaking from The Metropolitan University of Denver and an MFA in printmaking from George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. She has had the opportunity to speak to students about her work, the business of art, as well as demonstrate engraving methods at institutions including: University of Northern Colorado, Vanderbilt University, Bowling Green State University, Bethel College, Texas A&M University of Corpus Christi, and many more.  Johanna has been the recipient of the Laila Twigg Smith Artist Residency Program at the Donkey Mill Arts Center, in Kona, HI; the Jentel Artist Residency in Banner, WY; Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts Residency, Saratoga, WY; and Anderson Ranch Arts Center Residency, Snowmass, CO.  


Kelly Moran


Benjamin Muñoz